Winning the Peace

A problem many of my custody clients struggle with is what to do when the litigation is over. We’ve amassed volumes of material about the other side, fortified our own position with evidence, exhibits, and witnesses to show how we meet the needs of the children better than the other parent possibly could. And then it ends, either in a negotiated outcome of an order and decree from a judge. But it is over and time to get back to parenting.

Returning to peacetime is difficult. In almost all cases, the once-litigants are now called upon to co-parent. Where once they were guarded with information for fear of showing any weakness, they’re now expected to cooperate and be open with each other. To say this is a difficult transition is an understatement.

I firmly believe we should have our custody clients attend post-litigation counseling. We often hear about how traumatic divorce and custody litigation is on children, but it is just as harmful to the parents.

The parents who manage to leave the war behind are the ones who win the peace, and their children are better for it. But we aren’t concerned with that. Not as attorneys, not as judges, and not as the courts. We need to do better. The adversarial process is a terrible way to deal with raising children.

A Post-Encryption World

Apple may very well lose this thing. What will that look like for us?

Encryption1 is all around you. If you have ever used a credit card, online or off, you’ve benefitted from encryption. Does the FBI really want to compromise all commerce? Of course not.

Is the FBI staffed by idiots and buffoons? Probably not. But they also know what the legislation will look like when this is done. If they win this case, they will ask Congress to adopt the court’s decision as part of Federal law. If they lose, they’ll ask Congress to overturn the court with a new Federal law. Either way, that’s the end-game. This case is all about softening up the public with The Terraists.

I expect that new law will carve out an exception for certain activities. These will need to be licensed by the government, ignoring the gross anti-federalist overreach that will stretch the Commerce Clause to its theoretical limit.

Banks will be licensed for strong encryption. Friendly telecoms probably will. But end users? No way. The rest of us will get the broken version we currently have, or a Pro version where you have to agree to store your master key in a government-run escrow. In that case, see Footnote 1, above.

Using Strong Encryption will become a new Federal crime. It’ll be up there with Perjury and Obstruction of Justice. Get arrested for something and happen to have an iPhone with unlicensed/unregistered Strong Encryption? That’s a paddlin’.2

More thoughts later when I have time (including why Apple has to argue under the 1st Amendment and not the 4th).

I finally named my blog

I’ve only owned for a little over a decade (17. July 2001). It had been called “Justin’s Journal” for the longest time. Then most recently “My Other Site.” But today I realized the name had presented itself the other day on Facebook, where I wrote a short sketch from the impromptuly named “Bored Lawyer Theater.”